Saturday, May 18, 2013

Presents of Mind

The best way to dispose of a corpse is by feeding it to pigs. No, I'm not an assassin or serial killer that moonlights as a half-assed blogger. I'm far from it. This little gem of Not Likely to Ever Come in Handy Information comes from the motion picture Snatch. I love that movie and if you haven't watched it I suggest you do.

Like Snatch the Knicks playoff run has been a story that comes together in a quirky manner. The scoring champion, Carmelo Anthony, for example, plays the role of a career man who has lost his identity at the wrong time. I mean, couldn't we have saved the scoring slump for some point during the regular season? Oh, and your buddy JR Smith wants to crash the pity party yelling and drooling after a night of pity partying. This is the same sixth man of the year JR Smith. The same passenger snuck onto the same ship the captain directs towards a glacier no one saw miles away.

The motion picture Titanic didn't float my boat (And 1!) because it came out during a time in my life where love was icky and girls were definitely carrying the cooties. This probably describes Jason Kidd's role, or complete lack thereof, over the ENTIRETY of the playoffs. The guy hasn't hit a shot since Fast Five was released and like said motion picture I don't remember seeing it. He missed a layup in game 5 against the Pacers that made many question his allegiances. You know the layup I'm talking about.

There is of course the looming fact that Knicks fans, as Knicks fans, won't address: the Pacers are the best defensive team in the league. That is a fact that became a fact during the regular season. Things like defense get turned up during the playoffs because:
a) Teams want to win really, really bad.
b) Refs just let some shit go they otherwise wouldn't.
c) Teams figure each other out after seeing one another multiple times.
This adds up to you baby sitting a contingent of your nieces and nephews during Summer vacation while they're hopped up on sugar based edibles. The little ones are going to figure your routine out at some point, and they have a new found energy that allows them to stay up all night planning ways to raid the island that is your emotional balance. Yes, kids do this.

Losing is tough both for players and fans. Maybe not as tough for certain players; certain smiling, laughing Knicks players I'd rather not throw under the Pacers bus. Let's just not lose our shit over a playoff series against, again, the best defensive team in the league. Do the Knicks have work to do? Of course. Can they play harder? Yes. Should they stop giggling while they are being man-handled? Yeah, that's just creepy.

If the Ever Glorious Most High Knickerbockers of the Great State of New York exit the playoffs today I suggest looking back on a very good season compared to our recent string of failures. We've picked up 6 wins over 2 playoff series this season as opposed to 1 last season. We have a scoring champion and a sixth man of the year. Things seem to be headed in a direction other than death via self asphyxiation.

Can this group of dirt bags do something to win tonight and extend this series to game 7? Sure. They can play with some emotion for starters. Maybe showing a desire to win would help. I hope that doesn't translate into a Melocentric offensive display because that just hasn't, and won't, cut it. His buddy JR needs to show some sign of the ghost of late season JR. Tyson Chandler needs to hurt someones feelings; someone on the opposite team would be nice.

Whether we wake up tomorrow excited for a game on Monday night or Game of Thrones, we'll have something to watch on TV.

-Alex Moran

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