Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Karma Malfunction

Let's not dwell on being bounced from the Playoffs.
We should focus on revenge instead.
The best kind of revenge is karmatic (may not be a word): you don't have to move a muscle while the Universe takes care of things for you.

The past 26 seasons have seen the Knicks reach the playoffs 18 times. The Finals were reached twice and New York lost both of those times. So what happened to the teams that bullied us out of the playoffs those remaining 15- the fate of the Pacers is yet to be determined- times?

Here's a list:

1987-88 season (Lost to Celtics in 1st round): Celtics lost Conference Finals
1988-89 season (Lost to Bulls in Conf. Semi-Finals): Bulls lost Conference Finals
1989-90 season (Lost to Pistons in Conf. Semi-Finals): Pistons won Finals
1990-91 season (Lost to Bulls in 1st round): Bulls won Finals
1991-92 season (Lost Conf. Semi-Finals to Bulls): Bulls won Finals
1992-93 season (Lost Conf. Finals to Bulls): Bulls won Finals
1993-94 season (Won Eastern Conference): Lost to Rockets in Finals
1994-95 season (Lost Conf. Semi-Finals to Pacers): Pacers lost Conference Finals
1995-96 season (Lost Conf. Semi-Finals to Bulls): Bulls won Finals
1996-97 season (Lost Conf. Semi-Finals to Heat): Heat lost Conference Finals
1997-98 season: (Lost Conf. Semi-Finals to Pacers): Pacers lost Conference Finals
1998-99 season (Won Eastern Conference): Lost to Spurs in Finals
1999-00 season (Lost Conf. Finals to Pacers): Pacers lost NBA Finals
2000-01 season (Lost to Raptors in 1st round): Raptors lost in Conference Semi-Finals
2003-04 season (Lost to Nets in 1st round): Nets lost Conference Semi-Finals
2010-11 season (Lost to Celtics in 1st round): Celtics lost Conference Semi-Finals
2011-12 season (Lost to Heat in 1st round): Heat won NBA Finals
2012-13 season (Lost to Pacers in Conference Semi-Finals): ?

So much for karma. Out of the 6 titles the Bulls picked up during this 26 year period they've gone through the Knicks 4 times. We're a good omen for Chicago, like an eagle with a snake in its beak (???/Great team logo idea, must patent). As a matter of fact the Bulls were a Western Conference team until the 1980-81 season. They made the playoffs that same season and beat- you guessed it- the Knicks in the 1st round. They drafted Michael Jordan a couple of years later and the rest is as historical as sports history gets.

It may not be wise to wish bad upon teams that have slighted us in the playoffs. 17 full term playoff tournaments have led to 7 Finals appearances by our one time dance partners, 6 of those teams won it all while we got home early from prom to parental pity and bed at 11 p.m.

Maybe we should just watch the Conference Finals in silence. Are you really hoping the Heat win? My memory isn't bad enough to egg on the guy that punched me in the face last year just because the guy that punched me in the face this year hasn't apologized. Neither of them have and I hate them both equally.

In fact, it should be fun watching these two go at it.

-Alex Moran

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