Friday, June 14, 2013

Game 4 Explained Through Tweets

Writing a recap to a game is wasteful. Google "Game 4 NBA Finals" and witness your computer crash from the overload of search results you receive. With that said, here's a recap in tweet form.

Yes. Tiago Splitter is the living concept of a doofus. He has terrible hands, he's a mouth breather, he's outright awkward, and he has terrible hands (in case you missed it). His height has become a disadvantage, therefore, he has become a disadvantage.

I get excited about the NBA Finals only because it means the draft is getting closer. Once the draft is over I close my eyes and stuff my ears with cotton balls until I have to go through the punishment of drafting for a football fantasy league I "compete" in. Quotation marks surround the word compete because my teams have yet to be competitive 2 years in. (I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me?)

Popovich is never trippin'. I promise you that Boris Diaw's insertion led to this same reaction from millions (okay, thousands) of people across the planet. The disbelief didn't last too long as Boris scored 7 quick points and confused the Heat defense with his Psyduck.

This is ridiculous. The pace of this game was ridiculous. The fact that the Spurs attempted to play at this ridiculous pace is ridiculous.

He has not been watching. This series is showcasing the best two teams in the league go at it every other night. Yes, Mike Miller started last night but that didn't last too long and it shouldn't be enough of an excuse to allow anyone to forget the rest of the greatness taking place.

Well said. Actually, this is perfect. Wearing sweatpants beats having to get dressed and engage in a bunch of posturing. There's always food at home and the people around you won't judge you as badly for farting as strangers would. Fun fact: Nowadays dudes check out other dudes outfits and critique them. In a not too distant future dudes will be complementing each others physiques in a heterosexual environment. To each his own.

I was of the idea that Dwyane Wade's knees had called it quits for him. I was wrong. He played an amazing game, gave us with multiple highlights, and refreshed our memories with aggressive Dwyane Wade play.

I hope everyone is okay.

Will he be found before game 5? This is probably the worst I've seen Ginobili play in a game of importance. As a matter of fact, he's had a terrible series. It's starting to become evident that Manu and Splitter (last night for the latter) are hurting the Spurs more than they are helping them. This can possibly be caused by the restless nature of the Heat's defense. Danny Green and Gary Neal aren't realistically going to give the Spurs a sequel to game 3's performance so Popovich has some editing to do over these next couple of days.

Trust in Pop. Spoelstra, not so much.

-Alex Moran

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