Monday, April 15, 2013

Asshole Moran Pt. 1

Specialization is my nemesis. I can't find a single cell in my body that is excited about joining the human workforce because my sworn enemy is extremely present in this environment. The boredom that comes along with being an X in a planet of limitlessness has led to my obsession with killing the protagonists in short stories I write. These protagonists are usually faceless beings with routines consisting of paperwork, commutes, and TV shows.

It's everywhere really. If you want to be an artist in this era of the hyperconsumer you have to be consistent: your output has to keep up with the rise and fall of trends; relevancy is key to the survival of creative people now more so than ever before. This leads to the realization of just how well shit rises to the top. It floats gracelessly along its course until it becomes aware of how shitty it actually is leading to its suicide and subsequent rebirth because we all have to eat in order to survive.
This is the perfect time for motormouths of all sorts to escape from under the thumb of thought. We can all make stuff for cheap and put it out there for free so it becomes a race like everything else. There is no end in sight for the hurdles along the way and this is why consistency becomes key. Okay, you make music and so does your neighbor so you'll just produce an album a week until your neighbor quits and decides that his tombstone will read "Middle Management. Fuck My Neighbor." We're all small industrious corporations with faces and slogans.
Along the way you become so lost in making stuff that you forget why you even do it in the first place. But you've seen that in countless movies so I'm not really saying anything new. Except that what I'm actually saying is that you work way too hard to keep up the appearance of productivity and passion; it's your specialization. Your Instagram makes you seem really interesting but in reality those are just glimpses of an otherwise mundane existence of blinking, breathing, eating, pissing, sleeping, etc. It's a job on top of the job that funds your life (that other job). Think about it. Think about how the rumor mills will stir if you don't take a vacation this Summer. Think about the grief you will cause your loyal followers by letting them down with a brief moment of inconsistency in your otherwise consistently legendary life.
I hope this has instilled in you a very clear paranoia you will probably have to address with medication. While you're at it I'll suggest developing an expensive cocaine habit to keep you from losing time with sleep. We can't let your back from the dead neighbor climb that mountain you had your sights set on AND take pictures of it. He has become a foodie fashionista traveler ever since you outdid him with the music thing and he has tons of footage to prove it.
You are the alpha male, take what is yours.

- Asshole Moran

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