Monday, July 9, 2012


By 27 you should have obtained a college degree from an accredited provider of said pieces of cardboard. You should also have found some form of income producing occupation which you may or may not like. Additionally, there should be a certain taste developed by this point in your life, it includes the understanding that you are now mature and should act, dress, speak, and be involved in things which express this ideal level you have reached. Many famous, accomplished, successful people have died at this age so, common thought dictates, one should be successful/accomplished by this age. If it is possible for X it is possible and expected of you.
So the story goes. Rules and regulations laid heavily and invisibly upon your human shoulders.
Bumps in the road, sometimes manufactured by the mind and self reflection, other times an outcome of gender, racial, and class hierarchies visible anywhere on this planet, can alter the path to which you have been handed a map, whether you know it or not. For many of us self reflection creates a fork in the road, the X is wiped off the map and the goal changes. (Something can be said here about will and individuality.) It is at this age that I find myself, separated from a goal and path I once shared with friends and family. The heavy ennui of a common idea of success capitalist society has laid out for us was unbearable. So, I looked elsewhere and have found a wealth of avenues once unknown to my previous self.
Breaking ties, or at least distancing myself, from agents whom heavily influenced the way I led my life has been, in my opinion, a positive, albeit difficult change. I am not completely convinced that one's friends are an outward expression of the self.  I have, however, realized that at one point in time I was merely a reflection of my interpersonal relationships. This realization was not disturbing nor frightening. It was, instead, refreshing. Self reflection had given me the opportunity to rebuild myself according to the rearrangement of values and ideals obtained during honest, open thought. Being honest with oneself is of the utmost importance.
While I take a break from writing and look out a 4th floor window I notice the ongoing construction project across the street. A home sandwiched in between two lavish homes is having its exterior renovated, maybe in the hopes of becoming as "nice" as the other two. These homes are located directly across the street from a low income housing building. The housing building seems ever more out of place, looming gloomily with its worn facade. Picture it and proceed.
Outside influences played a role in my Kafkian* saga, sans the insect/vermin body (I hope).  Books I've come across and their writers have been sincerely eye opening and life changing. Therefore, I suggest everyone read something other than blogs. What you read is up to you, but something like Fifty Shades of Grey is entertainment and not much else. A bit of philosophy can be helpful and destructive in a good way.
Suggestions are to be taken lightly. They are also to be mulled over regardless of the source. I've learned that the best suggestions (advice) sometimes come from the unlikeliest of people. Of course, this requires that the reader be properly socialized with people from all walks of life. Do not discard the opportunity to learn something merely because it may be found in the wrong part of town, or from a person not your age, race, class, or gender.
I leave you with the following: Those around you will create a world of limits and boundaries. It is in their best interest to do so; some think they are protecting you, others want you to adapt to their creation, and others have tasted what lies beyond the limits of their personal comfort and they have been left with a bitter taste in their mouths. If you simply question things you will find your right way.
* See Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis
Alex Moran (Entered this planet 27 years ago this day)

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