Deerhunter is not to be confused with Deertick, although, it wouldn't hurt you to do so. If I had to choose between both bands at the moment I would go with Deerhunter and, taking it a step further, I'd suggest you listen to their music.
The 2 albums I've listened to, Microcastle and Halcyon Digest, exhibit that ruined Christmas sound I enjoy sticking into my ear. Lead singer Bradford Cox, male, has just the right amount of femininity in his voice. I cannot imagine another vocal performance on a track like Helicopter; Cox's approach is not meant to overwhelm the track but merely to float alongside it- like a pack of docile dolphins (do dolphins swim in packs?).
Deerhunter will not wow you with instrumental virtuosity, quaint sounds, or poppy catchiness. A suppression of explosive climaxes may turn you off to the whole thing. I don't know, there's just something about music that doesn't sound like it was made in New York or Los Angeles which grabs me by the ankle and drags me towards the deep end of the pool. For all of their glorious littleness, Deerhunter create a large and ever expanding sound; sometimes sounding like the tapping of something enormous and hollow which releases the music of a band of diminutive elves sometimes sleepy, sometimes moody, who have taken residence in the hollow object.
The first time I heard anything Deerhunter related, and noticed it, was during a Thee Oh Sees Pandora station session. The song: Never Stops. It was one of those moments when you find yourself quickly walking across a room with a juggernauts determination, hands tingling with expectation (I can walk through that bed in the way), you're about to find out the name of this band and maybe, just maybe, the album artwork, the name of the band......yes, it is all perfect.
I know, Microcastle was released in 2008 and Halcyon Digest in 2010 but, they're discoveries to me nonetheless. Deerhunter did not exist in my mental chart of things that exist until very recently.
Note: If I "review" an opus or two I will not give them silly numerical ratings. I won't "review" anything I don't like and you won't find much, if any, musical jargon used throughout the "review."
Dedicated to Jessica Juliet Velasquez, discoverer of things past, present, and future.
- Alex
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